**What will we do?**
**Part 1:** We will discuss where we stand on our individual psycho-spiritual and social path, what we really want to achieve, which obstacles we might face, what we need...: Each has a few minutes. Everyone listens when one speaks (no questions or remarks), or we co-meditate in the shared energy field when he/she is silent. In the end, each formulates their own question of the day.
**Part 2:** One or more of the questions will be reflected with the help of the MTK-BOARD and through IMAGES (Symbolon or Being Human cards) from seven perspectives: practical (material/physical), emotional (relational), mental, energetic, unconscious, superconscious & synthesis. What energies are present now (from the past) and how to proceed into the future?
**MODERATORS:** Alfred Groff, psychologist & Nicole Kus (for online events)
**LANGUAGE:** German
**LIVE or ONLINE:** Alternating weekly
**LOCATION (Live meeting):** Center in BERTRANGE (Bus 5 and 6). Registered participants receive the exact address privately.
**COST:** "Free for MTK members" or you give an hour of your time (with your skills) to someone for an activity/service of your choice (not something you would have done anyway).
**NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS:** min. 4 / max. 7
**WHEN:** The group meets live every second Tuesday at 5:30 pm (exceptions announced here) - provided at least 4 people have registered by Monday evening - or the meeting is canceled for the respective week.
Where does it take place?
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