At the Balkan Rock party with DJ Kneza, you can dance and sing along to the music of bands such as Azra, EKV, Električni Orgazam, Bijelo Dugme, Riblja Čorba, Idoli, Haustor, Prljavo Kazalište, Šarlo Akrobata, Bajaga, Boa, Van Gogh, Pips, Chips & Videoclips, Parni Valjak, Aerodrom, Film, Zabranjeno Pušenje, Đorđe Balašević, Yu grupa, Majke, Psihomodo Pop, Hladno Pivo, Let 3, Partibrejkers, Kawasaki 3P, S.A.R.S, Dubioza Kolektiv, Brkovi, Kud idijoti.
Where does it take place?
2 Montée de Clausen
1343 Luxembourg
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